
Below is an overview of my general professional work experience. For more information, including transcripts, references, recommendations, and other work experience, check out my LinkedIn profile.



Technical program manager for Human Data at OpenAI(2022 – Present)

I'm the Human Data Technical Program Manager responsible for Post-Training (Model Behavior, Multimodal, and ChatGPT tools such as memory), Superalignment, and Evals. I'm responsible for campaign execution with our data collection vendors, evaluating our researchers' and product managers' needs, and supporting the improvement of our internal processes and tools.

Operations Coordinator for the ML Alignment Theory Scholars Program with the Standford Existential Risk Initiative(May 2022 – July 2022)

You can learn more about the program:

I joint the team in a critical moment, after MATS had received many good applications near the submission deadline. I contributed to providing the operational capacity to quickly more than double our program's capacity so we would be able to welcome and support all good applicants. My responsibility included:

Interim CEO at Critical Care Research (July 2021 – January 2022)

Critical Care Research is a cryonics and emergency medicine research facility. I had been on the board of directors since 2019. As Interim CEO, my responsibility include:

Executive Consultant at Puerto Rico I Love You (Feb. 2021 – Jan. 2022)

I'm helping bootstrap a nonprofit in Puerto Rico aimed at improving Puerto Rico's image and supporting existing local nonprofits. I found and interviewed candidates to be the nonprofit's Executive Director, reached out to media agencies to select one for the nonprofit to partner with, investigated which local problems the nonprofit could assist with, and generated leads for potential donors.

Experiment Runner at Ought (Aug. 2019 – Jan. 2020)

I was contracted as an experiment participant for Ought. A month later I was promoted to experiment runner.

My main responsibility at Ought was to manage a team of ~50 participants to test Factored Cognition — Ought's approach to answering open-ended questions. This included working on:

Here’s more information on our research project:

MEDFAR Clinical Solutions (Aug. 2015 – Sept. 2016)

While I was mostly a programmer at MEDFAR, it was a small company, so I had other roles. One of them was to put in place the technical support system, which included taking care of: the FAQ, the call center, Zendesk, documentation, schedules, SQL scripts, training, support logs, support dashboard using Google Sheet & App Script.


Founder and CEO at Pantask (Aug. 2019 – present)

I'm running a company to provide virtual assistance.

Check us out at (and see our services), and send us any task at or contact me to see how we can best help you.

We’ve provided a few thousand hours of services to Bay Area tech start-ups and various individuals.

Cofounder at Coindera (2021)

A friend bought, and I later joint as a second cofounder.

My areas of responsibility were Operations, Technology, and Research & Development.

Coindera provides alerts to track changes in the prices of cryptocurrencies.

Our goal was to use this data to make informed investments in the crypto market.

We had also started developing a crypto prediction game, also with the intent of gathering data to inform our investments.

However, we got acquired (/merged) before we were able to release that product.

Founder and President at Effective Altruism Québec (EAQ) (July 2016 – Aug. 2019)

Here’s our website:

I founded this organization. My main responsibility was to promote and teach effective altruism, and to help effective altruists in their projects and career choices. This included:

During my time as the Effective Altruism Québec (EAQ) organizer, I was also the main organizer / coordinator in adjacent communities, including

Outside EAQ, I have also helped with various EA projects. I was the interim manager of RAISE (Road to AI Safety Excellence) for a few months, which had the goal to develop an AI safety online course. I also helped for various small projects like the Effective Altruism Group Directory, and the EA Project 4 Awesome fundraiser. I'm also an admin and moderator on various online EA groups.


Robotics (May 2011 – July 2012)

During my physics engineering undergraduate degree, I did a full time internship (see: report, videos) and then part time work at the university’s robotics lab. Here are various tasks I did during my time at the lab:

General (Aug. 2015 – Oct. 2020)

After that, I worked as a programmer at MEDFAR Clinical Solutions for a year, then another year at Léger, and then I continued working as an independent contractor, as well as on my own projects. Notably, I’ve worked as a contractor for Elaboration Language Labs and Epidemic Forecasting (code), and lauch a website with opportunities for COVID-19 survivors and created a browser extension to maintain healthy habits, through which I continued doing web development and data analyses.

MEDFAR Clinical Solutions (Aug. 2015 – Sept. 2016)

Here's a video of the web application we developed at MEDFAR. I was one of the main developers working on the front end of the new version of the application. I also compared various frameworks to help the CTO make a decision: ReactJS, AngularJS 1, BackboneJS and RequireJS. I did data mining with PhantomJS in C#. I created various reports and reporting tools, using tools like T-SQL, iTextSharp in ASP.NET, and SiSense and Tableau. I also created integrations and interfaces with other software, such as laboratories and hospital information systems.

Léger (Sept. 2016 – Sept. 2017)

At Léger, I developed the new front end version of the Customer Interaction Management web app mostly by myself — see video. I co-supervised an intern that helped me on this application for a few months. I also developed the new Survey Engine by myself — see: video for the mobile version, and video for the desktop version.


Technologies/tools I used include Typescript, ReactJS, FluxJS, JSX, JQuery, HTML5, CSS, LessJS T-SQL, MySQL, PL/SQL, C#, .NET, NodeJS, PhP, WordPress, Foundation, Bootstrap, Kendo UI, Python, R, Matlab, Maple, IIS, git, JIRA, LaTex. I've also used the following, but less: MongoDB, C++, Java, Assembly (ARM). I've used various IDE, including Visual Studio, Atom, PyCharm, and Eclipse. I've used various OS and virtualisation tools.

I’m very good with Google Sheets, and have developed Apps Scripts (ie. macro) to automate some tasks on them, and also know how to use AirTable well. I’ve also done Wordpress development, and have worked with Shopify.

Machine Learning

I have limited experience in machine learning, but I know the general concepts and am deeply familiar with the general AI strategy landscape. I’ve also done the Coursera course Neural Networks and Deep Learning.

During a university course, I created an AI that plays Four in a Row in Prolog. I did my undergraduate final project in machine learning: Studying the popularity of news articles in function of their title using machine learning techniques. The aim of this project was to predict news articles’ popularity by:

Cryonics Involvement

I'm an Alcor advisor. I'm also an Independent Cryonics Educator, meaning I help people (decide whether to) sign up for cryonics.

I’m a director on the board of Critical Care Research since 2019-12-11, and became Interim CEO in July 2021 (see details under the section Project Manager).

I'm a cotrustee for Stasis Foundation. We're committed to helping all reputable cryonics organizations with secure and indefinite storage of their patients. We're the organization behind Timeship, the Underground Vegas House, and other related projects.

I started CryoQuébec, a local cryonics education group, and hosted discussions on the topic. I’ve also been offering cryonics consultations to many people considering signing up.

I was contracted by Vipul Naik to create a Timeline on Cryonics (visited over 1,000 times). This is the most comprehensive timeline on cryonics, and one of the most comprehensive and viewed timeline on the Timelines Wiki.

During summer 2018, I visited all 5 cryonics service providers in the US, I visited some of the research centers, and I also visited cryonics local groups.

I assisted to the Teens and Twenties Cryonics Gathering from 2018 to 2022.

I’ve talked with hundreds of cryonicists, including many researchers, employees, or otherwise key people in the cryonics community.

I’ve written about cryonics, and I also participate on various online groups. I created a blog and a wiki on the topic.


I was a member of the Official Response Team of the Good Judgement Project 2.0 FOCUS research program organized by IARPA to improve forecasting counterfactuals in uncontrolled settings. I also received pay-for-performance compensation for my participation in amplification experiments by Foretold.

I have made 58 predictions on 34 questions on Metaculus, and I have made 82 predictions on PredictionBook. I have played calibration games and regularly make predictions. Here are predictions I made in early 2020.

Studies and training

Startup School (2019)

Self Training: PluralSight, FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, CodeSchool (2015)

Certificate in Computer Science at Laval University (15 credits) (transcript) (2014-2015)

Bachelor in Engineering Physics (minor in power electronics) (transcript) (2010-2015)

Summer camp in mathematics and computer science at Concordia University (2010)

DCS in Health science at Champlain College in Saint-Lambert (transcript) (2008-2010)

Mathematics camp at Ottawa University (invited because of Opti-Math-Plus results) (2007)

Time Management: Getting Things Done workshop

Security: WHMIS Course, Courses of First Aid, National Lifeguard

Other accomplishments