Updated: 2020-10-24
I have a lot of fun writing fiction stories.
In 2012-2013, I made multiple short films for fun. Here's a playlist of 8 of them:
I've also helped other people make short films, but they are not online.
I've touched to most aspects of movie-making: writing, acting, video editing, special effects, make-up, and sound mixing. I used Adobe Creative Suite 6, and Vegas Pro 10.
My favorite part of filmmaking is script writing. So let me know if you might be interested in producing/reading one of my scripts (ex.: Sang-froid) (I also have unfinished scripts for feature films), or co-write a story – I have a couple ideas I like (ex.: a last minute cryopreservation).
In 2010-2014, I was a member of the Cercle d'écriture de l'Université Laval.
In 2018, I submitted a story to the Sapiens Plurum's fiction writing contest. I didn't win. My story is an alternate history with one point of departure where Benjamin Franklin moves forward with zir biostasis idea. I'd like to edit it a bit more before publishing it, but you can still request access to it here: Franklinstein.